Back Up Documentation: NNI, IRREGULATORS, Partial List of Reports and Filings Related to NY State
- Solve the Digital Divide by Halting Billions in Cross-Subsidies: Verizon NY 2019 Annual Report
- Overcharged America: Solve the Digital Divide by Halting Billions in Cross-Subsidies
- EXPOSED: The Corrupt Trump Republican FCC: Puppets of Verizon and AT&T.
- PART II: The Trump-Republican FCC Captured, Corrupted, Consumer Advisory Committee
- NEW REPORT Solve the Digital Divide: Halt the Cross-Subsidies in the Verizon NY 2019 Annual Report, August 24, 2020
- On March 13th, 2020, our challenge of the FCC, IRREGULATORS v FCC, was a win for the American public. The DC Court of Appeals made it clear that the states are now independent to devise a new set of accounting requirements and not use the FCC’s formulas.
- On June 8th, 2020, Verizon also filed a Motion with the NY Public Service Commission to hide, (they call it ‘redact’), basic financial and business data.
- On June 30th, 2020, the IRREGULATORS filed comments to block Verizon NY’s Motion and are now calling for investigations.
- On July 20th, 2020, NY Department of Public Service determined that the information we requested was confidential.
- On August 5th, 2020 we also filed with the FCC in the $9 billion 5G plan, pointing out that the FCC never examined the wireless cross-subsidies.
- On August 5th, 2020, we also filed with the FCC “The FCC must start serious audits and investigations into the actual expenses for the backhaul services and halt all of the cross-subsidies that are now in place with 5G wireless, and the harms to local service’.
We summarized our filing and what was redacted and why it matters:
- Why are the IRREGULATORS Calling for Investigations? Halting cross-subsidies can supply the billions of dollars to close the Digital Divide
- What Is Verizon Afraid of? REDACTED XXX Opens Pandora’s Box. What was ‘redacted’ — and what we are asking for.
- NEW REPORT: 15 Quotes: The Wireline-Wireless Bait-&-Switch Overcharged America and Caused the Digital Divide. Here is a collection of executive statements, excerpts from filings and comments by the FCC, the NY Attorney General’s office and the state PSC.
- REFERENCE POINTS: A Library of Research has been put together covering this area since 2010.
- In July 2018, Verizon New York and the NY state Public Service Commission settled and closed the investigation that had started in 2015. Estimated to be worth $300-$500 million, Verizon NY is required to upgrade 32000 lines of fiber in unserved areas as well as maintain the existing copper networks that are not being upgraded, that has been left to deteriorate over the last 2 decades.
- Verizon NY Settlement Story, July 14th, 2018
- NY PSC Proposed Settlement April 16th, 2018
- FILED WITH COMMENTS: REPORT 1: Did AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink & the FCC Intentionally Create the Digital Divide?
- FILED AS REPLY COMMENTS: REPORT 2: Verizon New York 2017 Annual Report: An Analysis of Cross-Subsidies and Customer Overcharging
- DESCRIPTION: This report, based on the Annual Report shows that there is a utility and that it is hemorrhaging money because of the FCC.
- FILED AS COMMENTS: REPORT 3: Bell Access Line Accounting Manipulation 1984-2018
- Description: Verizon, AT&T, CenturyLink, and their association, USTelecom, with the help of the FCC, have manipulated the basic accounting of access lines, and have removed or hidden 80% of all lines.
- Report 1: Exec Summary: Verizon’s Manipulated Financial Accounting & the FCC’s Big “Freeze”
- Report 2: Full Data Report
- Report 3: SPECIAL REPORT How Municipalities and the States can Fund Fiber Optic Wireline and Wireless Broadband Networks.
- REPORT 4: Data Report Proving Verizon’s Wireline Networks Diverted Capex for Wireless Deployments Instead of Wiring Municipalities, and Charged Local Phone Customers for It.
- Report 5: The Hartman Memorandum proves that the FCC’s own cost allocation rules created massive financial cross subsidies between and among the state-based wired utilities, and the companies’ other lines of business, such as special access, or the wireless service.
- Report 6: The History & Rules of Setting Phone Rates in America —The FCC’s ‘Big Freeze’ details that the FCC has set basic cost accounting expenses to based on the year 2000 and the FCC has never audited or investigated the impacts for 18 years.
- Report 8: Full Report: Verizon NY 2016 Report Analyzed, June 2017.
Reports and Filings, 2010-
- Verizon’s State-Based Financial Issues & Tax Losses: The Destruction of America’s Telecommunications Utilities
- In 2010, NNI started an investigation of the financial books of five Verizon’s state-based utility phone companies, including Verizon New York and Verizon New Jersey and the ties to Verizon Communications affiliate companies, (subsidiaries) including Verizon Wireless, Verizon Online, Verizon Services, among others. Published in 2012
- Verizon Wireless and the Other Verizon Affiliate Companies Are Harming Verizon New York’s (The State-based Utility) Customers & the State. Examining Verizon NY’s Phone Rate Increases, Income Tax Benefits, Lack of Network Upgrades, Service Quality and Pushing Voice Link Wireless Deployment
- Verizon Wireless and the Other Verizon Affiliate Companies Are Harming Verizon New York’s (The State-based Utility) Customers & the State. In September 2013, our next report focused on Verizon New York and was the centerpiece of a filing by Common Cause, Consumer Union, CWA, and the Fire Island Asc., which called for an investigation of Verizon’s financials and business practices, Alexander Goldman, Esq. co-authored the report.
- “It’s All Interconnected”, In May 2014, Public Utility Law Project, (PULP) published “It’s all Interconnected”, written by New Networks (with assistance by David Bergmann, Esq.) and it relied on unexamined data from Verizon New York using different Verizon supplied financials books.
- The Connect New York Coalition, filed a Petition with the NY State Public Service Commission to do a formal investigation of Verizon New York. July 1, 2014. The Petition is based, in part, on NNI’s continuing research.
- Coalition members include AARP, Consumer Union, Common Cause, CWA, NY state politicians.